30 years oldWELCOME TO MY SHOW! ❤️ I am Ana,28 years old from Romania ! I am a pharmacy student, I am a positive and creative person, I like to dance,read,travel,drink coffee, I love animals, especially cats. Ever since I was little I have dreamed of visiting the world. I would like to drink a coffee in every city in the world! In my show I will not show my face, I would like you to respect my privacy. in this way I will be uninhibited and I will give my best to feel good and have fun together!
Online: My Scheedule will start from 11 Pm to 5 Am EET/GMT +2FREE: WEDNESSDAY and SATURDAY
I love: I like a smart man with big sense of humor!I love coffee everyday!
I don't love: I dont like rude people!
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